Wednesday, March 19, 2008

DC visit!

The trip to D.C. was the greatest!! Baby Gaby is the cutest. He loved Addy the most of all his recently viewed relatives but I forgive him because she's cute too.
We got to see all the sights which was interesting and it was SO nice outside!! Quite unfortunate that I had to come back to this 35 degree cloudy, rainy weather. GROSS!
Enjoy the pictures!
i tried to add different ones that other people added just to change it up...... i like the last one- i call it SENTIMENTAL MOM

that one of michael is for joe to see him-- he is kissing his picture in the dining room!


Carey said...

I love that mom looks like Lincoln made her cry :) She swears it was just her contacts!

Melissa said...

I was wondering about that. I'm so glad you put that picture up for Joe. It's so cute. I'll tell him to look today when I talk to him!

Taryn said...

What a great picture of Michael kissing his Daddy's picture. That just breaks my heart!

We were so glad to have you come for a visit! We miss you already.

Carey said...

time for updates already!

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

Update your blog woman! LOL

Carey said...

Yes...Updates PLEASE!