Thursday, May 15, 2008

dearest family-- i have slim to no internet over summer so don't expect much!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

this week was spring week! we had a lot of crazy activities-- our theme was haunted mansion so the picture of my roommates and i all scary was because of airband (the dance competition). We know, we're creepy!!! Our tandem team tried really hard.... but got 7th:(. But our carnival and poster both did really well so we find out tonight what we placed! I think we will get second overall. Yay Chi O!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

DC visit!

The trip to D.C. was the greatest!! Baby Gaby is the cutest. He loved Addy the most of all his recently viewed relatives but I forgive him because she's cute too.
We got to see all the sights which was interesting and it was SO nice outside!! Quite unfortunate that I had to come back to this 35 degree cloudy, rainy weather. GROSS!
Enjoy the pictures!
i tried to add different ones that other people added just to change it up...... i like the last one- i call it SENTIMENTAL MOM

that one of michael is for joe to see him-- he is kissing his picture in the dining room!

Monday, March 3, 2008

you know what else is funny? i even got a mystic tan to get rid of my leftover tan lines from lifeguarding and they are STILL THERE!!!

anyway- because i have a cheap laptop, all the pictures i wanted to post wouldn't fit. here are the rest from sledding a few weeks ago down the back hill.... without hardly any snow!

let's try this again- i just added all my pictures and it didnt save:(
this is from formal! everyone notice blake's matching tie!!! hahah it was great!! i dont care what you say carey-- i loved my leopard dress. call me a teeny bopper all you want!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i can't wait for spring break, i can't wait for spring break, i can't wait for spring break.
formal is this weekend- i'll take LOTS of pictures and post them--- nobody worry

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I decided to put a cutesy picture of Blake and I up on the blog and one of Michael and I having snuggly time. After all-- that's pretty much my life. Lame, I know. I babysat Mike on Sunday because Melissa was working the bridal show for the Tea Room and mom was deathly ill! Baby Michael and I snuggled all day (Carey is VERY jealous)!!! Joe called the house while Michael was visiting and he started to yell Dada! That was so cute it almost made me cry-- not going to lie, I teared up a bit!
This weekend I'm going to visit Carey, Barclay, and my two girls! I can't WAIT!!! It has been way too long!
It's official that I'm going to see Taryn, Matt, and Baby Gabe on my spring break--- I am SO EXCITED!!!! I really can't even explain how excited I am! I miss you guy way too much.
Right now my life is all school, work, and doctors appointments. I'm getting extrememly sick of it but I'm trying to remember that hopefully soon I'll be off some of these pills and the testing will be at a minimum!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Fire, Job, School.... what a life!

What a busy girl I am!!!
Last night there was a fire in Blumberg Hall--- aka my dorm last year! My little sis' in Chi O (Becca) called me and asked to borrow my couch until Wednesday because she lives there and they have been evauated! All the Chi Omega couches have been filled with the 10 freshmen new girls that lived in Blumberg! The fire was on the 11th floor- -which is a boys floor- - and the boy that started it claims to have "left a candle burning" and it caught his bed on fire. Becca says the guy has a reputation to be a bit of a druggy so I'm guessing they are going to find it wasn't a candle that started up the flame! Rumors Rumors...
And it's true! I got a job at a daycare!!! I really really like it so far. The girl that runs it is only about 25 so she is a lot of fun to be with all day and the kids are really sweet so far. There is only one baby/toddler that acts up A LOT who has proven to be difficult but I'll deal with it. I do have experience after all:) But my experience comes from perfect angels of course! Today I worked in the baby room with the acting up 1 year old and a four month old baby! The four month old is SO adorable. She is the most smily and happy baby ever. It was like having opposites around me the whole time.
School. I hate school. I really, really, really am over school. I wish that fire was in the Education building.
Taryn-- I miss you guys SOOO much!! I can hardly stand it anymore!
ok..... that's all for now!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I'm officially poor. Extremely poor. Earth shattering-ly poor. I hate not having a good job.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Laura and I at the Demming Park light show.... we had to get out and pose!
Lily says, "Don't touch my toy, Mamal!"
The dreaded vacuum.
Dad with his favorite gift!

OK I blatently added pictures to that last blog and they didn't publish. How annoying!
Ok so i'm a little late but here are some pictures from Christmas!! After all, they are in high demand apparently.
Matt- as you can see dad's favorite gift was his amazing colts jersey--------- GOOD THING WE GOT IT FOR HIM. if he only knew the crisis it took to attain the amazing jersey!
In other news- school started back up today. Looks like my classes are going to be a lot of reading! In one English class we have to read over 100 pages for each Monday, Wednesday, Friday class..... maybe the professor didn't get the memo that I actually do have other classes! One of my friends saw me looking up cornhole online to see how much it would be to have at our apartment next year -the answer it too expensive- and over break her grandpa MADE ME ONE!!!!! Now we have GEEZER GOLF and CHI O CORNHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! we are painting the cornhole tonight.
That's all for now I suppose.