Monday, July 5, 2010

CHEFCHAOEN #2--- and the Med Sea!

WE WENT BACK TO CHEFCHAOEN THIS WEEKEND! It's still by far and away my favorite city in Morocco. This time I knew the city (where to go, where to skip, etc) and had a GREAT time! Instead of going hiking, we took the hour drive to the sea. Last time we were in Chef, the big group went to Tetoun and we (a couple friends and I) stayed back in Chef to hike and explore with our Moroccan friends (I'm glad we did, I HATE TRAVELING IN BIG GROUPS!!!)
This time was perfect. There weren't many of us, and we rented a car for the weekend so we were free to go wherever we wanted. We drove out to the beach and ended up at this local hangout. We ate in a cave! I couldn't get pictures that fully gave the pictures justice, but you get the idea.
It was cloudy outside, but nobody cared. Humza and I ended up climbing up and around some of the rocks that went out into the sea. ALL IN ALL--another great day!!!!

ughhhh I HATE learning Arabic.... back to reality.

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