Monday, June 21, 2010

short post -- but i have SO many stories. unfortunately arabic has completely taken over my life :(. I wish i had more time to tell all of the AMAZING stories of this weekend!!!
This weekend was BY far and away the best of my LIFE. We went to Chefchaoen--here are the hightlites only. More to come when there's time.
1. The city is painted completely aqua blue and white. The architecture reminds me of Florence, but the way the buildings are built into the mountains and layered on top of each other reminds me of Greece (then again....I've only seen pictures of Greece)
2. I've never felt safer in a Moroccan town -- BUT it's not touristy at all. Ironic.
3. On Saturday a small group of us went on an ALL day hike with a couple Moroccan students we became friends with. I don't even know how to describe where we went. We were on mountain goat paths up the steepest slopes--hand over foot. A family of monkeys passed along the path in front of me, eating oranges like we were the least of their worries.
4. We went back back back to a waterfall and cliff dived into the clearest water I've ever seen (yes, we drank it--you run out of water FAST in Africa). Then we went way further and hacked our own trail to another fall that had its own rock "slide" into the water. UNFORTUNATELY I don't have any pictures of these because our friends told us not to bring anything at all. I'm glad I didn't.
5. The hostel we stayed at was $6 a night--very clean, very friendly, beautiful inside!
6. Chef is full of so many different cultures all mingling together. The streets are insane and it's so easy to get turned around, but if you do, you're glad. There's so many awesome sights to see. I just LOVED it. On the way home the bus broke down and I was so glad. Campus is a LOT like a jail cell.

I'm moving to Chefchaoen. Not kidding.

I'll add pictures soon -- internet is being strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Abber!! What a cool weekend!! What was the mix of cultures in Chef? Who all--and how many--were in your hiking group to the falls --and what did you wear to swim?? I LOVE YOU--wanna BE you!! yo momma